After weeks of consultation meetings with the leadership and management, we have today been presented with a proposed agreement on Terms and Conditions.
We believe this is the best possible offer available through negotiations and whilst not getting concessions across the board, we have made inroads into the proposed £2.4m worth of savings from terms and conditions.
We will now undertake a series of member meetings to establish the strength of feeling within the workforce. We would encourage all council members to attend one of the meetings.
Many Thanks
Paddy Cleary Sue Kellett
Branch Secretary Branch Chair
Following period of consultation, the measures to change terms and conditions of employment proposed in the Chief Executive’s letter to Trade Unions on 18 December 2015 are withdrawn and replaced by the following proposal:
- All employees to take 4 days unpaid leave for a period of 5 years from 2016.
(This will continue be applied as a Christmas ‘shutdown’ except in those service areas where this is not possible due to the nature of services delivered. The Council will seek to limit exceptions to the Christmas shutdown to a minimum).
- Council to meet the full costs of employees’ pension contribution arising from unpaid leave each year so there will no impact on pensionable pay.
- For the avoidance of doubt the proposals in relation to removal of enhancements for evening and weekend working and removal of essential car user allowance are withdrawn.
- Given the ongoing budget constraints, the Council will explore and may implement, at some future point, revised terms and conditions of employment relating to allowances and enhancements in respect of newly appointed employees only.
The above would form part of a proposed collective agreement with Trade Unions.
The proposal to change the terms of the Council’s severance scheme as set out in the Chief Executive letter to Trade Unions on 18 December 2015 will not be implemented and the Council will retain the current scheme based on a 1.4 multiplier and uncapped weekly pay.
Published on: February 2, 2016