Wirral Council has opened consultation with UNISON and the other trade unions on a proposed new operating model and Chief Officers Structure. The proposed framework of the new model will consist of three main functions:
- Strategic Hub – with overall accountability for the leadership, direction and effective delivery of the strategic plan and related delivery plans
- Business Services – to enable the effective and efficient functioning of the Council and the services it commissions
- Delivery – to lead on designing, negotiating and implementing appropriate delivery options for a range of services
The proposed model also sees the development of a Transformation Office to provide expertise in change, programme and project management. This office and its new Director of Transformation (which will be a fixed term contract) will be funded from the transformation fund.
The proposal will mean that 8.5 current posts will be deleted from the new structure, 6 new posts will be created at a cost of £608370 two of which will be fixed term contracts at a cost of £234466, and 4 posts will be re-graded at a cost of £99529.
Published on: June 29, 2016