An open email to all Labour Councillors
Wirral UNISON calls on all Labour Councillors to collectively or individually come out in support of Jeremy Corbyn.
At a time when the Conservative party is itself in turmoil, the Labour movement should not miss this 'open goal'. It is the ideal time to unite and oppose the government’s austerity program and subsequently ease the horrendous cuts imposed on the public sector, which in turn has affected our members and the people of Wirral.
Jeremy Corbyn has a mandate from the grass roots of the party, he has been democratically elected by the rank and file membership. The MPs who are opposing him need to get out of the Westminster bubble and listen to the electorate. They need to basically put up or shut up.
The majority of the CLPs are backing him and we urge you all to do the same. We have seen what has happened in previous elections, notably Scotland, when the views of the grass roots are ignored, so Wirral UNISON urge all Labour Councillors to support Jeremy Corbyn.
Many Thanks
Paddy Cleary
Branch Secretary Wirral UNISON and
Wallasey Labour Party member
Published on: July 5, 2016