The Council currently pays for renewals of DBS Certificates but is changing the method that it uses. The Council will no longer apply and pay for a full application for a renewal every three years. Applicants for DBS must subscribe to the DBS Update Service annually. The Council will reimburse the cost of £13 to permanent employees. This may be claimed back via SelfServe.
This is a more cost effective, faster and efficient method of undertaking rechecks. The DBS Update Service lets applicants keep their DBS certificates up to date online and allows employers to check a certificate online.
The Council ran 12 sessions during June, July and August for staff in Leisure Services who are required to renew their DBS Certificate using this new method. If you did not attend a session you will now have the opportunity to complete your application and subscription to the Update Service with your line manager. It is important that you complete this process as soon as possible.
Published on: September 6, 2016