The damning Ofsted report comes as no surprise to our members working in the CYPD department of the authority. Our members do a vital, professional and taxing job and we do not want them to become scapegoats for the failings this report highlights. Fundamentally we seek assurances that this will not happen.
Accountability is a word often used by the authority and the failures detailed in this report need to be addressed. Continued cuts to public sector services have not helped.
Senior managers and political leaders have not provided effective or stable leadership – they have failed the vulnerable children and young people who need help and protection in Wirral and our members, this is despite them being aware of the deficits in the service. Guidance is needed from those in authority, rather than the continual turnover we see in management; we have had six people as the Head of Children’s Social Care in the last three years.
For more than three years UNISON has consistently raised concerns regarding the extremely high use of agency staff and the continued use of consultants on outlandish salaries with the political Leadership and senior managers. UNISON once again urges the council to reduce the number of agency staff it employs, by introducing a competitive pay structure comparable with neighbouring authorities. We will press for a proper structure that not only looks at caseloads but also gives our members the correct resources, management leadership and support they need.
UNISON recognise that significant steps will have to be taken and we will be asking for:
- A full and early review of the Social Worker Career Framework
- Levels of pay for ALL social care staff that reflect regional pay levels
- A full review of recruitment and promotion procedures to ensure fair procedures are in place
- Investment in training and development
- Reduced caseloads with a fair caseload management system
- Reduction in the numbers of agency staff used
- Reduction in the use of consultants and interims at Senior Levels
UNISON will be here to stand shoulder to shoulder to support our members in these unprecedented times
Published on: September 20, 2016