20 September 2016
Dear Member
By now you will be aware that Ofsted has published their report into Children’s Services and deemed us inadequate.
This will be disappointing for many of our members and for UNISON. We know that you continue to make great efforts to protect the welfare of children, and many excellent outcomes are achieved. Without your hard work the Department and the Children we protect would be in a worse position.
Nevertheless the outcome of the Report will not be a surprise to many. We know that there have been problems for years, and our concerns have not been addressed.
UNISON have raised concerns about the poor pay, and high workloads of many staff, of the problems with recruitment and excessive use of agency staff, and of the over reliance on consultants and interims at a senior level. On top of that we have seen a failure to operate fair promotion processes, and an undervaluing and demoralisation of our permanent staff.
We recognise that significant steps will have to be taken. The additional £2million into the budget is welcome, although has to be seen in the light of £millions of budget cuts in recent years.
Yes changes must be made, but we warn now, that merely increasing the salaries paid to Senior Managers is not the answer!
UNISON will be seeking early meetings with Council Officers and Councillors to discuss the situation. Our initial programme for change will include
- A full and early review of Social Worker Career Framework
- Levels of Pay for ALL social care staff that reflect Regional Pay Levels
- A full review of recruitment and promotion procedures, to ensure fair procedures are in place
- Investment in training and development
- Reduced workloads, with a fair caseload management system
- Reduction in the numbers of agency staff used
- Reduction in the use of consultants and interims at Senior Levels
This is only an initial programme- we will develop it further in discussion with you and other members
We are also holding a number of locality lunchtime meetings for members to discuss the current situation – please try and attend
28 September Room CC4, Pensby Children’s Centre
29 September White Room, Wallasey Locality Office
30 September Community Hall, Rock Ferry One Stop Shop/Library
3 October Room 1, Hamilton Building
4 October Conference Room, Moreton Municipal Offices
All meetings will be at 12:15 pm for approximately 1 hour.
Published on: September 23, 2016