Members will be aware that the collective agreement we have with the Council regarding unpaid leave is that it should apply as a Christmas shutdown for the whole of the Council, except in exceptional circumstances. After months of negotiation and challenge the latest position for the Christmas unpaid leave period is that all services will be closed, with the exception of:
Building Control – one Building Control officer on call
Caretakers – four staff (Birkenhead Town Hall, Treasury Building, Landican and Moreton (MASH))
Community Safety – five staff daily covering 24 hour service
Environmental Health – one Senior Manager on call
Floral Pavilion Theatre – open as normal due to contractual commitments
Highways – one Duty Officer and three Duty Inspectors on call for the winter gritting service
IT – six staff on call, four on site
Legal – one Group Solicitor on call
Local Welfare Assistance Service – three staff on emergency basis two out of three days
Parks – four staff to clear and/or make safe hazards or damaged equipment etc; two staff at Landican office; up to ten staff for burials and cremations (number to be confirmed)
Public Health – all staff, as not covered by the agreement
Registrars – six staff to allow for deaths to be registered (legal requirement to register a death is within 5 days)
This is a significant reduction from the numbers first proposed but if you have any concerns email the Branch at unison@wirralunison.co.uk
We are still challenging the proposals put forward by DASS and hope to have this concluded imminently. To date we have not had anything submitted from Children’s Services. We will update members as soon as we can.
4 November - update available for DASS and CYPD
Published on: November 3, 2016