Travel Concessions for the over 60’s
Free Off Peak Bus Travel Pass for England
You're entitled to free bus travel as an older person when you reach the eligible age. Eligible age is tied into the state pension age for women.
If you were born before 6 April 1950:
You're eligible for an older person's bus pass from your 60th birthday, if you were born before 6 April 1950.
Women born after 5 April 1950:
If you're a woman born after 5 April 1950, you'll become eligible for an older person's bus pass when you reach your pensionable age.
Men born after 5 April 1950:
If you're a man born after 5 April 1950, you'll become eligible when you reach the pensionable age of a woman born on the same day.
Link to check when you'll reach pensionable age by entering your sex and date of birth:
If you have reached or are over the eligible age, you are entitled to free off-peak bus travel on all local buses anywhere in England. Your eligible age is your pension age. Off-peak is:
9.30am until 11.00pm Monday to Friday
All day weekends and bank holidays.
This does not include intercity coaches, park and ride buses, rail replacement bus services or tourist buses.
Discount coach travel
National Express provides a scheme for older people to get cheaper coach travel. You pay a fee for the discount card.
Link to further reading:
Discount rail travel
If you are 60 or over, you are entitled to a senior citizens’ railcard. This gives you 30 per cent off most first and standard class fares. You pay a fee for the card. You can get an application form from train stations or buy it over the phone or online.
Link to further reading:
Winter Fuel Allowance
You could get between £100 and £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills if you were born on or before 5 May 1953, (this date changes each year). This is known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’.
Most payments are made automatically between November and December. You should get your money by Christmas.
You usually get a Winter Fuel Payment automatically if you get the State Pension or another social security benefit (not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, Child Benefit or Universal Credit).
If you qualify but don’t get paid automatically, you’ll need to make a claim.
Link to further reading:
State Pension
The State Pension changed on the 6 April 2016. From this date the Government introduced a new full pension rate of £155.65 per week.
The amount you actually receive is dependant on your National Insurance record. If you were Contracted Out, i.e. those in an employers pension scheme such LGPS, then your pension will be reduced for the years you were contracted out.
However, anyone reaching state pension age between 6 April 2016 and 5 April 2021 fall into the transition period. Their state pension will be calculated under the old and new scheme and will receive whichever is the higher.
Links to further reading:
New State Pension and Contracting Out:
Single Tier State Pension Fact Sheet:
If you reached state pension age before the 6 April 2016:
If you reached state pension age on the 6 April 2016 or after:
New State Pension Overview members wishing to enquire what their estimated State Pension could be, upon reaching State Pension age, should contact the following:-Tel: 0845300168 or email:- fcp.customercare@dwp.gsi.gov.uk or visit www.gov.uk/new-state-pension/overview
(For estimate members need to quote their National Insurance No. & name of previous employer
Attendance Allowance
You may be able to claim Attendance Allowance if your ability to keep safe or look after your own personal care is affected by physical or mental illness or disability.
Attendance Allowance has 2 weekly rates, and the rate you get depends on the help you need. You’ll get:
£55.10 if you need help in the day or at night
£82.30 if you need help both in the day and at night.
These rates apply from April 2016 to April 2017.
Claiming Attendance Allowance won’t reduce any other income you receive, and it’s tax-free. If you’re awarded it, you may become entitled to other benefits, such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, or an increase in these benefits.
As we get older, many of us need a little extra help to look after ourselves, especially if we have a long-term illness or disability.
Link to further reading:
Carers Allowance
Carer's Allowance is money for people who spend at least 35 hours a week providing regular care to someone who has a disability.
The person you care for must be getting a relevant benefit because of their disability which in some cases has to be paid at a certain rate.
Carer's Allowance is paid at £62.10 a week (2015/16 rate). The amount paid is usually increased each April.
You don’t have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for to get Carer’s Allowance.
You can qualify for Carer’s Allowance whether you are in or out of work, but you must not earn more than £110 a week.
Note – if you are in receipt of an occupational pension this is not classed as earning.
Carer’s Allowance does not depend on national insurance contributions and is not means tested in other words not based on your personal income or savings but earnings may affect your entitlement.
Link to further reading:
Warm Home Discount Scheme
For winter 2016 to 2017, you could get £140 off your electricity bill through the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The money isn’t paid to you - it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill between October and April. The discount won’t affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment.
You will get this automatically if you get the Guarantee Credit Element of Pension Credit, but after that each energy supplier has different eligibility requirements for others eg those on a low income, other benefits, etc. Scottish Power seem to have a broader list of eligible criteria than some other suppliers. If you qualify, you have to apply direct to your energy supplier. There is limit on funds and a cut of date for applications.
See www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme/what-youll-get for more information.
This document was produced 8 August 2016 and is based on the information available at that date. As changes can occur at anytime, please refer to the relevant body for the latest information.
Published on: November 21, 2016