Following on from our regular meetings with the leader, it has been brought to our attention that on top of the already scheduled savings and income generation target of £25m to balance the books for 2018-19, the authority will also need to find a further £20-£25m.
We are told that this is primarily down to the pressures faced by Children Services.
We remain sceptical on this being the primary element and question, once again, over optimistic targets of the past.
UNISON will be involved in meetings over any proposals and recommendations ahead of the next meeting with the leader, scheduled for 7 November.
We will report back to members and should members meetings be needed, these will be arranged.
Whilst UNISON recognises the continued pressures faced in the budget setting process by our officers and the Labour Group, we cannot allow our members and the services provided to continue to bear the brunt of the Tory government’s agenda to dismantle the public sector.
Members in the local authority are STILL 1% behind in NJC pay. We are the poor relations of North West councils. We will continue to press for parity with other authorities and believe that the additional £1m should also form part of the budget setting process.
This is without the 4 days unpaid leave, which in itself is a ‘cut’ of 1.6% in pay.
We have taken our share of the burden, Enough is Enough.
Month on month, year on year UNISON members in the local authority have taken their share.
Can the same be said about the continued stream of consultants?
Can it be evidenced what actual savings, changes and income streams they have brought to the authority?
Who is ultimately accountable for the over optimistic targets of the past?
These are the questions that will be asked, members cannot continue to be the easy target when others fail. Enough is Enough.
Paddy Cleary
Branch Secretary
Published on: October 13, 2017