Dear Member
Hello again! We hope you are all keeping well. We wanted to start today’s email by thanking you all for your continued support as we try to represent our members in these incredibly unusual times. Many members have sent us messages of thanks and support and we really do appreciate it! We also wanted to let you all know that whilst we (Lois and Dave) continue to lead the branch and correspond with you all daily, we are also supported by our wonderful team of seconded officers, Steve, Joel and Gill as well as our amazing stewards- they’re working away supporting members too and we couldn’t do it without them.
So on to today’s update…
Key Worker Testing Facility
You will be aware from previous emails we have sent out that we have recognised, along with many others the key role that testing plays in ensuring workers are protected whilst they are working on the front line and delivering key services. Regrettably the government has been slow in facilitating mass testing but it seems as though progress is now being made. We are pleased that the Local Authority who have been keen to facilitate local testing have today been able to announce that a testing facility is available at Bidston from tomorrow for key workers. Please see below further information regarding eligibility and access to testing which has been sent to us by the council and we in turn are sharing with you with their consent.
A pilot key worker testing facility at Bidston has been made available for access for eligible key workers on Thursday 30th April through to Saturday 2nd May. It is part of trial that is being implemented by a partnership with Wirral Council and CCG, and is being operated by the Ministry of Defence. The criteria for testing is ;
- A key worker who is self-isolating because they are showing Covid19 symptoms (within 5 days of starting symptoms)
- household members who are showing symptoms, resulting in a key worker self-isolating
The mobile testing unit will be at Bidston Park and Ride, Bidston Station Approach, CH43 7RF. This is a self-testing centre staffed by the military and is a drive through and walk through facility. Key workers with access to transport will need to drive in their own vehicle or via a vehicle driven by a someone in their household. Please share this information with any of your teams who meet the above criteria.
They will need to take some form of ID and ID of employer e.g. work pass with photo.
They will need to book the test themselves and for eligible individuals in their household at the following link https://self-referral.test-for-coronavirus.service.gov.uk/
IMPORTANT: At section 6 of the online form “Preferred Test Location” please select “Bidston” as the testing site– if they are struggling to obtain a booking it may be that all available places have gone. Haydock or Manchester may be available as another option.
Once people arrive on site in their cars they will be asked to administer the test themselves and will be given a barcode to that sample. They will then register their personal details against this code via a secure portal which is how the results get back to them. The results will only sent to them. Upon receipt of their results they can then contact your organisation to discuss and agree next steps.
You can contact covid19testing@wirral.gov.uk for queries in relation to covid19 testing processes and facilities.
Domiciliary Care PPE
A week ago the government issued guidance on how to work safely in care homes and supported living, we are pleased that they have now produced similar guidance for domiciliary care, including extra care housing. This provides guidance on the minimum levels of PPE and how it should be used. We would ask our domically care worker members to familiarise themselves with the guidance. If you have any concerns regarding the provision of PPE, please do get in touch with us.
Sick pay
The Government have now released figures showing the number of deaths in care homes as a result of Corona virus and it is evident that these numbers continue to rise. From information we are aware of it is clear that this situation is reflected locally. It is therefore concerning that as yet there has been no agreement to provide full sick pay for care workers who are sick, symptomatic, vulnerable or very vulnerable or living with someone who is. Statutory sick pay of £94 per week is simply not sufficient. And therefore Care workers in this situation are still having to choose between health and hardship.
Real Living Wage
The Council have announced an increase in fee rates to care providers in Wirral and stated that “the proposed fee rates ensure a sufficient payment rate for all providers to pay the real living wage to their employees currently £9.30”. We are liaising with the council to ensure that this pay rise (due to be implemented from 1 May) is implemented as broadly as possible across the care sector.
Autism Together – CVS
We are aware that with the CVS service closed down, members have been asked to support other areas, which has not been an issue. We have, however, been contacted by some members who are concerned that they are being asked to work weekends or evenings, when they normally work only Monday to Friday. We understand that there may be a provision in the contract, allowing for the change, and we will be looking at that in more detail. We will be liaising with AT management over these changes to working practices, so please get in touch if you are unhappy with any changes. We will be back in touch with anyone who has contacted us so far.
As always, we want to hear from you about your experiences during these difficult times. We know that for some of our members, lockdown measures and the pressures of new working arrangements may mean that you have very little time during the day, but if you have concerns or are struggling with anything at work, we would urge you to make the time to get in touch and let us know what is going on so that we can endeavour to represent and support you.
That’s all for today, as always we hope you are finding these updates useful and informative. Please get in touch with us regarding any of the above or indeed anything you need support with, during what continues to be a very difficult time for us all.
If you are reading this because it has been shared with you and you’re not a member, here’s the link to join up! Click here
Take care of yourselves and each other and we will be back with another update for you all tomorrow.
In solidarity!
Lois and Dave
Dave: davidnjones@wirral.gov.uk 07880199539
Lois: loisfounds1@wirral.gov.uk 07384512521
Published on: April 30, 2020