Dear Member
Hi there! We’re really sorry that you wont have heard from us for a few days; there is a problem with our bulk email system which means we are currently unable to send our daily emails to our membership. This also may mean that you receive an email update from us dated 19.05.20, this was drafted before we knew here was a system error!
Tonight’s email is being sent via Microsoft outlook which is not designed to send bulk email. We will update members through the website http://www.wirralunison.co.uk/ and our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WirralUNISON page until the system is back up and running. We can be contacted in the usual way, contact details at the bottom of this update.
Schools- online Rally
Here is some of the information that we hoped to send out to you all on Tuesday following the online rally we held on Monday evening. If you are effected by schools re-opening, please get in touch.
“Last night Wirral Unison along with the teaching unions in Wirral held a public online rally to address concerns related to the wider opening of schools in our area. The event was extremely well attended and as we write this email, it has now been viewed by over 5000 people! We were privileged to hear from some wonderful speakers, perhaps most notably from local student, Ellie who spoke with passion and confidence about her concerns around the wider re-opening of schools. The common theme from all our speakers including trade unionists and politicians is that schools should not and cannot open to more children until it is safe to do so.
If you didn’t see the rally, it can be viewed via Facebook, here’s the link https://www.facebook.comvideos
The rally was reported on in the Liverpool Echo ad the article can be read here https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/newsthousands-attend-virtual-rally
Yesterday the Council also issued a statement clarifying that whilst there remained safety concerns they would not expect any school to re-open on a wider level. They confirmed that they did not expect any school to follow the government guidance around re-opening from 1 June. Wirral Unison welcomed this statement from the council, that appeared to provide reassurance to staff working in schools but also to pupils and their families.
We envisage that there will be widespread discussions and consultations with the Council and schools in the coming weeks and we will keep you updated with progress.”
We really hope you’re still finding these updates of use, please pass them on to colleagues and urge them to join Unison if they haven’t done already. Here’s the link to join up! JOIN UNISON
Look out on the website and Facebook page for further updates especially while our system remains down.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
In solidarity!
Lois and Dave
Dave: davidnjones@wirral.gov.uk 07880199539
Lois: loisfounds1@wirral.gov.uk 07384512521
Published on: May 22, 2020