Wirral Unison has today suspended it’s strike action at Woodchurch Road.
This comes after the School has withdrawn the proposed 20% cut in hours for play workers and deferred 20% cuts in hours for Teaching Assistants until July.
Alongside this we have a clear commitment from the Council to work with the Unions in a formal way to address the issues at the school and seek actions to alleviate the need for any cuts at the school.
Whilst we are disappointed that the Teaching Assistant cuts have only been deferred, we believe that the added time, means that with the good will of all parties a resolution can be found.
We believe that this is a significant step forward, secured by the determination of Unison and our members at the school, supported by the local community, to oppose these damaging cuts. This is a victory for our members and the community and children that support the school.
We remain committed to protecting our members and whilst we are hopeful that we can work collaboratively with the school and local leaders to achieve a long term resolution, if this is not achievable and pay cuts are again proposed in July we will consult our members accordingly.
This victory, does mean that our members will not face a pay cut hanging over them over the Christmas holidays, news that will be welcomed.
Published on: December 2, 2020