Council and School Workers Pay Ballot
Pay Ballots will be landing on doormats from today.
Look out for this envelope, open and return your ballot immediately
Our Pay has lost 25% of its value since 2010
- Food Inflation is 19%
- This is a pay cut in real terms for every member – you will be worse on than last year
- The Cost of Living Crisis is affecting the lower pay grades the most.
- In May Labour became the largest party in the Local Government Association – for the first time in 21 years – if we win the ballot we will be negotiating with Labour not the Tories
It is crucial that we meet the threshold of a 50% turnout. You can help: When you post your ballot take a pic of you dropping in the post box, then post the pic in the comments of our facebook page
The link is here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SS9axpSU3sDerFmEvn33KWPAATre7Tq2fXVFobdywDP7rtpFC6McQk8oSqaLq8eZl&id=100064674703127
All members posting a pic will be entered into a £50 prize draw.
Published on: May 30, 2023