Apologies for the lack of communication from the Branch recently. There has been an issue at a national level with our computer systems for a month or so, that has prevented us sending bulk emails. The issue is still in resolution, but we can now send a bulk email via our Regional Office, but this will not be as regular as our normal communications.
In the interim we will continue to post on social media.
NJC (Council and School) Pay Results
The ballot was conducted on an disaggregated basis – that means each employer was a separate ballot. For example, Multi Academy Trusts and Catholic schools were separate ballots.
To take any form of action at least 50% of members must have voted in the ballot.
Only a minority of ballots crossed this threshold. The average turnout was 31.4% and an average 75.3% vote for strike action.
In Wirral Council (incl maintained schools) we received an 83% vote for strike action on a 48% turnout (just 56 votes short of 50%).
The following schools voted for strike action and the turnout was above the threshold:
- Sacred Heart Catholic Primary
- St. Johns Catholic Junior School
- Prenton High School for Girls
- Christ the King RC Primary School
- Concordia Multi Academy Trust
- Woodchurch C of E Primary School
- St. Josephs RC Primary School
- Holy Cross RC Primary School
- St. Peter & St. Paul RC Primary School
- St. Albans RC Primary School
- St. Werburghs RC Primary School
The NJC Committee which negotiates Council and School pay comprises 3 unions, two of which must agree to the deal for it to be accepted. We are therefore waiting for the outcome of Unite’s ballot (GMB is later) before any decisions are made.
As soon as we know the outcome of this we will share on our Facebook and twitter pages
The large percentage voting for strike action shows the impact of decreasing pay and a cost-of-living crisis is having. The 50% threshold is an artificial figure imposed by the Conservative Government – it does not apply to any other elections or ballots in this country, including MP’s. Regardless of any acceptance of the pay deal the views of those who voted show how we need to keep campaigning.
Magenta Pay Deal
We have successfully negotiated a new pay deal for members at Magenta Living.
The deal is a 7% pay rise, with at least £1700 (pro rata) increase in salary. Additionally, the sick pay scheme has been harmonised, the threshold for higher leave allowance has been reduced from 10 to 5 years, and all workers get an extra day leave.
This compares favourably to the 5% (average that was initially offered.
Our members have accepted the deal which is now being implemented. We thank members for their support.
LGBT+ Conference 10-12 November Liverpool
This is a conference that is always informative, progressive, and inspiring, and this year its being held just across the water.
We are looking for LGBT+ members who may be interested in attending as delegates. We currently have one male delegate, so to ensure gender proportionality the next 6 must not be male. If you are interested in attending, please email unison1@wirral.gov.uk by 14 August.
Branch Officer Vacancies
We currently have a number of Branch Officer vacancies that we will be electing to at our next Branch Committee on 13 September.
These are:
• International Relations Officer
• Green/Environmental Officer
• Young Members Officer (must be under 30)
If you are interested or want more info, please email unison1@wirral.gov.uk by 4 September 2023.
UNISON Local Government Podcast
This is a new show is for members to learn about the work members are doing, hear from those at the forefront of making change and to inspire you to get involved and make a difference. We’ll be releasing a new episode fortnightly, covering topics such as privatisation, food regulation, workers rights and campaigning for care workers, to name a few. You’ll find inspirational content to campaign for better work and a round up of how your actions can help our guests. Follow the podcast, share it with your friends and family.
Episodes so far include:
• Leisure Centres
• Food Safety
• Creating Essential Change for Black Workers
• Social Workers
Here is the link to access the podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unisonpodcast
Published on: August 15, 2023