0151 666 3040 unison1@wirral.gov.uk

NJC Pay Ballot
Wirral UNISON recently consulted with our members on NJC terms & conditions regarding the offer of a pay increase of £1,290 on all pay points. Members took part in a consultative ballot in which they were asked to vote as to whether they were happy to accept this offer, or were they prepared to reject and take industrial action. On a turnout of 66% (significantly above the 50% threshold required to take action) 88% of members voted to REJECT.
Following this outcome on Wirral, and similar votes across the union, UNISON’s NJC committee has now decided to proceed to a formal industrial action ballot. The ballot will run from 4 September 2024 through to 16 October 2024.
Please ensure that your details are up to date and correct, including your home address, workplace, email and contact number. You can do this by following the below link https://www.unison.org.uk/my-unison/ or by calling the branch office on 0151-666-3040.

Published on: August 1, 2024