0151 666 3040 unison1@wirral.gov.uk

Wirral TUC Special Public Meeting

Join us to speak out against the government's trade union bill and find out more about what we will be doing to oppose these changes.

Speakers include:

Heather Wakefield - Unison National Officer

Steve Gillan - General Secretary POA

Ross Quinn - President of Wirral UC & Unite

Clara Paillard - Wirral TUC & National Executive PCS

Alec McFadden - Chair & Secretary of Wirral TUC


Date:     12th November at 7.30pm

Place     Lauries centre, Birkenhead, 142 Claughton Rd, Birkenhead CH41 6EY

trade-union-councils   protect-the-right-to-strike    trade-union-tuc


What is the Trade Union Bill?

The Tories want to decide how many union members have to vote in a strike ballot in order for it to be legally valid. If the thresholds were applied to members of parliament, barley a single Tory would have been elected in the last election.

For the first time, employers will be able to break strikes by bringing in agency workers to cover for strikers. This could have big safety implications and lead to worse public services.

There are lots of other proposals in the bill too - including attacks on union reps in the public sector, restrictions on how unions collect and spend their money and lots more unnecessary red tape.


Why do we need to protect our Trade Unions?

Trade unions play a vital role in protecting workers from harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace.

Trade unionists campaign for proper health and safety in the workplace, protecting workers from injury, exposure to hazardous substances and disease.

Trade unions secure better wages for their members.

Trade unions are the largest voluntary organisation in the United Kingdom, with 6.6 million members; no organisation represents more people than us. Research shows that when more people join trade unions we see a more equal division of wealth.

Even a Tory MP Davis Davis compares the Tory Trade Union Bill to a fascist dictatorship quote

"This isn't Franco Britain"

Join a Trade Union, join and attend Wirral TUC

Published on: November 13, 2015